Natural Stable Channel Design for Pillot Gully Erosion Repairs and Stabilization

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Natural Stable Channel Design for Pillot Gully Erosion Repairs and Stabilization

About the Project

The overall objective of this maintenance project was to perform excavation for a bankfull floodplain bench and the construction of Natural Stable Channel Design (NSCD) to repair the gully erosion and stabilize the channel. The construction of the NSCD in-stream structures consisted of toewood, boulder constructed riffles, floodplain sill logs, installation of 12,500 SY of coir fabric, along with Grade 1 & 2 riprap and 3”x5” granular fill. Additionally, 46,000 CY were excavated and hauled off-site, and 11,000 CY were excavated and placed as on-site fill.