Inverness Forest – HCFCD

Inverness Forest – HCFCD

About the Project

Erosion Repair project that consisted of 120,000 CY of excavation & offsite disposal, 55,000 CY of imported fill, 6,600 CY of excavation & on-site fill; 6,300 tons of 3”x5”; 27,500 tons of Grade 1 riprap & 4,100 tons of Grade 2 riprap; 79,000 tons of streambed fill mixture & over 2,000 LF of 24” HDPE as well as 170 LF of 42” HDPE. The Streambed Fill was a mixture of 3×5 and screenings, mixed onsite then installed in the bottom of the channel. There were 3 rock “chimney” drains installed. These acted like the rock trenches except they were stair stepped and wrapped with fabric. Had to coordinate with the Geotechnical Engineer to identify failure planes and install the “chimney” drains accordingly. Channel hydraulics were not impacted during construction.