Greens Bayou South Detention Basin and Channel Improvements, Coastal Navigation and Environmental Restoration

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Greens Bayou South Detention Basin and Channel Improvements, Coastal Navigation and Environmental Restoration

About the Project

The work in this project included construction of a detention basin, outfall structures for basins, construction of a new weir structure, modification of an existing weir structure at Cutten Basin, storm drains, channel excavation, placement of stone protection, clearing, grubbing and the establishment of turf. In total, over 2 million CY were excavated and disposed of from the Detention Basin & 23,000 CY of Compacted Fill were placed the Detention Basin. Additionally, 300,000 CY were excavated from Greens Bayou Channel & 7,000 CY of compacted fill placed. A total of over 30,000 tons of riprap were installed throughout the channel.